Tales Under the Olive Tree
The name Tales Under the Olive Tree holds deep personal significance to me, rooted in both the history of my homeland and the cherished memories of my childhood. The olive tree has long been a symbol of strength and endurance for Palestinians. Its roots run deep, much like our own, tying us to the land and to each other. The olive tree, with its ancient branches, has witnessed generations come and go, enduring the hardships of time while providing shelter, nourishment, and peace.
As a child, I spent countless afternoons in my village, sitting under the shade of these mighty trees. The elderly would gather around, their faces weathered but warm, their voices soft yet full of life. They would share stories—tales of our people, of our land, of love and loss. They were incredible storytellers, weaving the fabric of our history into every word, making each tale feel alive. It was under the olive tree that I learned not just about my roots, but about the power of stories to connect us, to heal us, and to remind us of who we are.
With Tales Under the Olive Tree, I hope to honor that legacy. Through every story, I aim to capture a piece of the warmth, wisdom, and timelessness that I experienced as a child listening to those elders. I want to tell stories that not only celebrate our past but also speak to our present and future. Stories that are heartfelt, that matter, and that, in their own way, offer shelter and hope—just like the olive tree itself.